About Us
Experience a better way.
A wall in the Hartman Simons office features a mural with the acronym RISE. Respect. Integrity. Service. Excellence. These are words we live by—goals we strive to achieve every day. This, combined with our collective know-how, ensures a better client experience.

Our Difference
We understand the complicated and demanding world of commercial real estate and we intend to shoulder some of that burden. Our team has the aptitude to address the issues and unique challenges businesses face. What you’ll get from us is not just legal advice, but practical, actionable business solutions.
Our Story
In 2002, our founding partners took a leap of faith: they left a large, general practice law firm to open the doors of a small, scrappy firm that would focus solely on commercial real estate. The concept was simple: incorporate all the areas of expertise that commercial real estate clients need and expect.
- Acquisition
- Construction
- Corporate entities
- Development
- Environment
- Land use
- Leasing
- Litigation
Connect with us and experience the difference.
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